Lin Rountree | Groovetree

Lin Rountree - GroovetreeLin Rountree | Groovetree By Terrill Hanna

Released in 2005, I brought back this gem to fully illustrate the need for more trumpet play in the contemporary/urban jazz game. Ladies & Gents, Lin Rountree doesn’t mess around. And I thoroughly enjoyed the compositions, which quenched the thirst for more urban style trumpet music. Contributions from Tim Bowman & vocalist Leslie Nelson sealed the deal. Furthermore, Lin’s music is just delightful & energetic. Strictly appealing to an overall grooveline, funker’s delight!

Track Listing
~ For Your Love
~ Everyday
~ Into The Night
~ Groovetree
~ The Message
~ Bio-Funk
~ Villicious
~ Candle
~ Akire’
~ Lullaby for Renarta

Straight off the back fades in an elegant “For Your Love” featuring the guitar ship of Tim Bowman. Smooth & Seductive, it pretty much sums up the approach Lin brings to his project; “Everyday” & “Into The Night” quickly flows you for a mid-evening drive downtown; “Groovetree” acknowledges the upper tempo transition & drives its’ way into your headsets, with Lin bringing to you with the muted horn; Vocalist Leslie Nelson stands out with a breakthrough performance in “The Message”; “Bio-Funk” gives you the edge of the be-bop, but the sound of an instrumental R&B jam.

“Villicious” happens to be my favorite on this CD. Again, Lin lays it on the line in true fashion & throws in the sounds of the Flugelhorn as a courtesy.

“Lullaby for Renarta” ends the project on a mellow, but soft note.

Intriguing enough is how this project didn’t get enough airplay on radio stations, especially on smooth jazz formatted ones. By bringing this project back up for review, hopefully the word is out: Lin Rountree is not to be reckoned with. Lots of energy & creative juices were on display & I look forward to another project from him soon!

Terrill Hanna
The Urban Music Scene

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