Nikita Germaine – Just Kita

After singing back up for numerous all star vocalists ranging from Aretha Franklin to Whitney Houston, Ms. Nikita Germaine breaks free to give us her sophomore effort, “Just Kita” from Koch Records. Released on May 13th of 2008, her solid status as a bona fide, upcoming R&B vocalist shouldn’t be questioned. She co-produced the majority of her 16 track selections from the LP. Endless urban R&B jams & continuous mid tempo ballads caress ‘Kita’s’ portfolio of cuts!

Track Listing:
~ 911 L.O.V.E
~ La La La
~ Over & Over
~ Blood Rushin’ Thru My Veins
~ Enough Is Enough
~ It’s So Nice
~ Because Of You (Interlude)
~ I Just Wanna
~ What Am I Supposed To Do?
~ My Life
~ One Day
~ Pray
~ You Want Me
~ Because Of You
~ 911 L.O.V.E. (Dance Remix)

Its an emergency from the get-go with “911 L.O.V.E.”, sending an immediate call out for L.O.V.E. as it awaits the ear of the beholder. Huh..; With “La La La”, feel-good track expresses how she really feels when she is appreciated & received. The ladies will dig that! Ballads such as “Blood Rushin’ Thru My Veins”, “I Just Wanna” (listen to the Spanish opening line), & “It’s So Nice” are refreshing & original.

“What Am I Supposed To Do?” takes the hand clap rythmn a step further & enhanced it with a usual R&B, contemporary groove & an additional mix of ‘Kita’s’ harmonious background vocals. The hook was catchy, yet balanced with a nice mid-tempo pace; Listening to a solo opening of the sax (offered by Sonya Jason) & a spoken word from Ms. Germaine sealed the deal to “One Day”! Now, this one was different to say the least.

Its always inspiring to see vocalists intervene their particular set of secular songs with a reminder of faith & deliverance in a special track for Gospel in “Pray”. And ‘Kita’ brought the best of her talents out for it! It stands out & the song could reach into the community on a much different plateau than originally offered..

16 Tracks is a lot of music these days. Only one interlude, but in spite of that, the listener may appreciate a good monies worth of valuable music. ‘Kita’ delivered a real great set of R&B selections on either side of the coin – Slow or Fast. With help from producer Darkside, her sounds could easily ride parallel with today’s young urban R&B vocalists, even though its more attainable to the mature audience.

It’s worth a listen!

The Urban Music Scene

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