Phil Perry | Ready For Love

Phil Perry grows on me when I simply wonder from time to time, whatever happened to traditional Rhythm & Blues today. What happened to the ‘soul’ intuitions, the organic un-sophisticated way to send a regards of love to someone close to you? The ‘real’ poetry in motion? Either by love or by frustration of a broken relationship, tender R&B music from the day often assisted the listener with exploration of ways to counter positive or negative setbacks. Much music of which, if done well, can be played back over & over again. Timelessly.

In listening to Phil’s’ new CD “Ready For Love”, much of what I’ve inhaled from it breathes the same composites of evenly balanced songs reflective of the traditional value. Well represented from a man with a lot of love in his soul. I believe Phil is a crooner that is in love with one of the most powerful words in the universe – LOVE. Unfolding his octave vocal essence masterfully into a great detail of art. Hearing these songs is like glaring at pictures of your loved ones. Reflections of time endured as you pick up the ‘score’ of Phil’s music interjecting the thoughts of the past & the present. Any questions you may have of this CD may change after what I am able to share with you.

For starters, “Desire” acknowledges what’s missing in some of this generations music. That my friends’ is the power & heartbeat of Romance. Lyrically authentic & in tune to the beat, the headliner “Ready For Love” adds a limb from what “Desire” started. From there, you can begin sensing the seeds that was dropped for harvest is coming to fruition;  “Shine On Me”, the warm entry of “Another Place, Another Time”,  & the smooth-sensual “The Shelter Of Your Heart” was splendid. Now is the time for a glass of wine.

He got hip in “Why Why Why”. Jumping the groove unexpectedly on you, it rehashes the memory that Phil can properly display his talent for any genre given. “Shower The People” took me off guard for several reasons. For one, its an instant James Taylor classic. A song that rarely gets covered, other then doing it well from the original. But wait a minute: Phil gave it his best shot. It easily overshadows the rest of the songs! Then the CD ends on a graceful, passionate note in “The Strings Of Love”. A wedding song waiting to be added to the reception music dedication list in a hurry!

Interesting enough is how well arranged the CD was done. A round of applause is in store for Chris “Big Dog” Davis; the Producer.

As for Phil’s “Ready For Love”, I urge you to buy it. It ranks 5 stars on my Richter scale. If love & romance is your taste, then don’t waste any more time reading this journal. Phil Perry, without a doubt in my mind, is one of the best singers on the planet. His melodies are touching & compassionate. Sultry & distinctive, just like the good old days. In leading by example, he made me proud to be from the old school. Now if only the young school would adapt to this.

For song samples, please visit our RnB page!
Now available for purchase through CD Universe & Amazon.

George Strand
The Urban Music Scene

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