Pastor Debra B. Morton – My Better Half


Bishop Paul S. Morton Presents:
Pastor Debra B. Morton
My Better Half

Track Listing
1 – Victory In Praise
2 – Breakthrough
3 – By Faith I Touched Jesus
4 – We Worship You O God
5 – Where There’s A Will There’s A Way
6 – Sinners Can Be Winners
7 – Exhortation
8 – Don’t Tell A Sinner
9 – Reprise/Exhortation
10 – Too Far To Turn Around
11 – Exhortation
12 – Trust In The Lord
13 – Exhortation
14 – Saved 

If you want to go back to church then this is the CD for you. Pastor Debra B. Morton’s songs are straight from the choir pews. Be blessed in the spirit and enjoy this CD for all that its worth because you are so worthy to be praised and so is our lord and savoir Jesus Christ.

I was moved and touched by this CD and you will be too. The songs are so inspirational, emotional and powerful that you will find yourself with your eyes closed, tears pouring down your cheeks and both hands lifted up to the sky!

Pastor Debra B. Morton loves the old hymns. In one of her Exhortations she says, ‘I did not understand the meaning of them but they got in my spirit anyhow’. They were the songs that got her through. Believe me, these songs will get into your spirit and get you through those rough times too.

Pastor Debra B. Morton is a remarkable woman. She has accomplished so much. From being Senior Pastor of Greater St. Stephens Baptist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana, founding a woman’s ministry called Woman of Excellence (WOE), being an author of six books and even creating a fragrance called “Blessings in a Bottle”. Nevertheless, I feel that her love for the old hymns has surpassed them all. This is an anointed CD touched by angels. Pick it up!

In closing just remember that there is Victory In Praise and when you praise, there is a Breakthrough. When I say breakthrough, I mean a relationship is starting between you and God. You can then say that By Faith I Touched Jesus. He is my shelter and my strong tower and We Worship You O God. We want to glorify you and magnify your holy name. For those who are lost keep in mind that Where There’s A Will There’s A Way and Sinners Can Be Winners. Just have faith and believe in his living word. Don’t Tell A Sinner that it’s not possible because it is. Our God is a forgiving God. You just need to confess with you mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is your lord and savior. Reprise! It’s never too late or Too Far To Turn Around. He will place your feet on solid ground. Trust In The Lord and be Saved! Give you life back to God our Father! Become an open vessel and let God do wondrous things in your life!

God Bless,

Shelley A.
The Urban Music Scene

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