The World’s Baddest Choirs

Introducing The World’s Baddest Choirs! 

  1. He Took My PlaceJames Hall & Worship And Praise
  2. He RoseJ.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise (Featuring Elder Kervy Brown)
  3. Take A TripB. Chase Williams & Shabach
  4. Caught UpJames Hall & Worship And Praise
  5. Incredible God, Incredible PraiseJ.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise
  6. Lift Up Your HandsB. Chase Williams & Shabach
  7. King Of GloryJames Hall & Worship And Praise
  8. Oh To Be KeptB. Chase Williams & Shabach
  9. God Wants A YesJames Hall & Worship And Praise
  10. Awesome GodJ.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise
  11. He Will AnswerB. Chase Williams & Shabach
  12. Deliver J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise 

Hold on to your hats because this CD is great! Trust me, listen first, then draw the lyrics unto yourself. Carry it forth for God’s purpose and watch what happens! The choirs are awesome! The songs are powerful! They go straight to your soul! I love all the songs on this CD but my personal favorite is Track #5, “Incredible God, Incredible Praise”. I just wanted to say to those who collaborated and put this CD together, “Great Job!.”

We all know that music can give us strength and it can also lift us up when we are down. When I listen to this CD, I can’t help but to think of Psalm 30:11. “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.” He is a deliverer and the prince of peace. Pick up this CD and let’s go back to church!

Shelly A.
The Urban Music Scene 

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