Dionyza – Quite Like Me

Her name is Dionyza, which is derived from Williams Shakespeare’s play

  “Paraclese”.  She is strikingly beautiful, and has a very powerful, sexy, angelic  voice. She has been into music all her life, but was never pushed into  music, it just came naturally.  She has worked with David Frank (The  System) Babyface, Christina Aguilera and toured with Jon B, she sang on  Disney’s High School Musical 1 and 2, and is the singing voice of Sasha  and Jade on the Saturday morning cartoon “The Bratzs” (going to have to start watching that cartoon).  She’s also the daughter of Motown singer/songwriters Michael and Brenda Sutton.

Dionyza debut cd “Quite Like Me” is a cd filled with a plethora of  grooves, and influences from some of today’s artists and artists of the past.  “I Told Myself”, & “Practice Makes Perfect” are fun sounding, head nodding  songs.  “If It Kills”, Quite Like Me” are gritty mid-tempo club bangers, will get you head nodding “Waiting”, & “Give It To Me” are smooth r&b songs with fresh hip/hop beats, but with a jazzy edge to it, and is sung with sexiness.

“Stir It Up” – this high octane groove, is nothing but a groove and  Dionyza brings a harder sounding voice to this track. She keeps that  old school/new jack swing/new school flavor. I can visualize a video for this.  “If This Love Could Be” this song has that European/underground vibe to it, you know that Loose Ends/that steppers type of beat.

“Loving You Whole” is the slow groove of the cd and is sung with a warm  and sensual  feeling.

“Today Will Soon Be Yesterday” – I just can’t get past this song for some  reason, not because if you listen hard enough you’ll hear “Never Can Say  Goodbye”, but it’s a feel good song, a song you put on anytime.

I love this cd and you will to. Just drop it in the cd player at your  next card game or get together and just let it play. Someone will go,  “who dat playing”? Tell’em its Dionyza! 

For more sound samples go to www.cdbaby.com

Marv d.
The Urban Music Scene

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