Heather Headley | Audience Of One

Heather Headley - Audience of OneHeather Headley | Audience of One by Shellie A.Heather Headley

, what can I say but powerful, spiritual, heavenly and astounding. We all know her from her freshman album, This Is Who I Am, with hit singles; He Is and I Wish I Wasn’t. Her sophomore album, In My Mind, with hit singles; In My Mind and Me Time. Now we have her junior album, Audience Of One. I don’t think we were ready for this.

I was so blown away with the musical arrangements and the artist dedication that was put into this project. I was wondering when she was going to follow her roots and put out a gospel CD. After all, her father was a preacher in Barataria, Trinidad. Guess what ya’ll, here it is and it’s awesome.

* Simply Redeemed
* Ordinary Me
* I Wish
* Jesus Is Love
* I Need Thee Every Hour/Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus/I’d Rather
Have Jesus
* Running Back To You
* I Know The Lord Will Make A Way
* Here I Am To Worship
* Power Of The Cross
* Zion

Her remake of Lionel Richie and The Commodores, Jesus Is Love, featuring Smokie Norful is breathtaking! Not to mention I Need Thee Every Hour/Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus/I’d Rather Have Jesus and Running Back To You (Written by my all time favorite Male Gospel Artist Fred Hammond) is beautiful. I’m totally lost for words on this CD.

Heather has crossed R&B with Broadway/Orchestra genre with all the bells and whistles to create a new level of gospel that’s all her own. This is a “Production of Gospel!” Audience Of One is not your typical/ordinary gospel CD. Just listen to Ordinary Me and judge for yourself. For a first time gospel artist, Heather Headley has soared beyond all stereotypes and brought gospel to a whole new Plato. Pick it up! You won’t be disappointed!

Hey Heather, The Audience Is Listening!

Shellie A.
The Urban Music Scene

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