Gary Burton | Quartet Live

Gary Burton | Quartet Live – [Concord Jazz, 2009]

As music lovers, if you’re like me important factors like time, patience, and money has a tendency to hinder the thought process when it comes to listening too and purchasing music. At some point, as greedy as we are sometimes as music collectors we’re bound to meet music along the way that’s readily available for us as enthusiasts to indulge ourselves in as we navigate through this infinite galaxy of recordings and wonder if it’s worth our time and money?

Recently, a friend and fellow jazz aficionado suggested to me via email to seriously consider posting a article or review referencing the latest album by the legendary vibraphonist Gary Burton. At his request, in a matter of time with few clicks of the mouse I immediately found the Gary Burton’s new project on Concord Jazz appropriately titled “Quartet Live.” As jazz comes and goes, it’s always a pleasure to be invited to listen to creative, thoughtful, complex and engaging music that prompts you to embellish the incredible sounds and artistry displayed by musicians like Gary Burton.

Usually, when artists like Burton sets out to record a new album he assembles a cast of like-minded yet comparable players in order to make things happen accordingly. On this outing, he summoned guitarist Pat Metheny, drummer Antonio Sanchez and bassist Steve Swallow together to utilize their talents to record “Quartet Live.” As you know, from a listener’s point of view with a session like this on hand something great is about to manifest from within this musical gathering.

The opener “Sea Journey,” unveils itself by exalting it’s adorn beauty texturally without compromise leaving no question that you’re in the right place and time to embrace jazz at it’s finest. Falling Grace, the third selection, beckons your attention as it challenges you to encompass the warm, sensitive and melodic qualities of “Coral.” As expected, on this journey it’s the music that continually thrusts you forward into a inviting sphere where you’re seduced by the masterful symmetry of these eloquent players. Literally speaking, their compelling voice and compositional style encapsulates their lyrical yet cohesive interplay that’s generated among Burton and Metheny in essence compliments the graceful sentiments which soars externally on the picturesque Fleurette Africaine (Little African Flower). The underlying intensity of “Syndrome” captures Metheny’s identity as a composer perfectly. Furthermore, on this enthralling expedition “Question And Answer” the closer inhabits with precision the greatest qualities exhibited throughout by this intriguing quartet.

Unfortunately, as music lovers we can’t possibly listen to all jazz recordings that we desire to hear, let alone purchase them. In reality, it’s our selfish nature to want more then we deserve and frankly it’s not necessary that we pursue music this way. Finally, there are moments like this the melodies calls us to meet recordings like “Quartet Live” as a reminder to us that it’s better late then never to reasonably satisfy our ongoing hunger for quality music!

Rob Young
The Urban Music Scene

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