The Whispers | Thankful

The Whispers - ThankfulThe Whispers | Thankful by Terrill Hanna

Just looking at the photograph of the Whispers above sends me back down memory lane. We are talking about a group of crooners who brought about some of the most wonderful love ballads & hip shaking groove jams from over a whopping 35 years plus. They have charted a tremendous amount of singles, broke ground & elevated the pure essence of R&B/Soul music & left a trademark niche in their sounds so distinguishable, the minute you hear Walter or Scotty croon…YOU KNOW ITS THE WHISPERS. Bottomline.

But something else special came out of their repertoire. They left behind a career of secular treasures & embarked on a compassionate set of praise tracks for the Gospel world to create “Thankful.” Direct from Universal Music Christian Group. With production coming from themselves, well known Gospel magnate Fred Hammond & Magic from Magic Muzik Productions, the 10 selections flows endlessly with peace, direction & endearment. It brings texture to the overall value The Whispers brings to the music industry & opens up another channel of praise music most people possibly couldn’t imagine the super R&B group would ever put together.

Track Listing:
~ Walk With Me
~ Did You Know
~ Praise His Holy Name
~ One More Chance
~ For Thou Art With Me
~ Who Could It Be
~ We Need You
~ This Is How I Feel
~ In The Name Of Jesus
~ Living Without You

Much of the sounds are R&B influenced/minded, as it caters to a more contemporary Gospel feel. But the vocalization of harmonies connected to each track easily reminds you of the same arrangements The Whispers simply displayed from their previous musical treasures. From “Walk With Me” to “Did You Know,” the music just simply sways your senses, but the lyrics are replaced with a touch of praise worship rather than passionate streams of secular notes.

The milky, slow flow the Whispers are known for opens up “Praise His Holy Name”….in the 1st minute of the song, but they changed the pace right after & sends this track into a soul stirring enjoyment. “One More Chance” shows the endearing reach for appreciation as lyrically presented. They magnified God & brought out their true feelings towards him. “For Thou Art With Me” keeps the worship music steady while “Who Could It Be” drops a ballad for your ears, so soft & tender.

Tracks “We Need You” & “This Is How I Feel” has a jazzy feel, lots of instrumentation. “In the Name of Jesus” opens up with a traditional approach to Gospel & then settles into a smooth, mellow flow. “Living Without You” ends the album on a sentimental note, much like the way the album had presented itself from the start.

The ‘Go Get It’ Pass was already delivered before I started my review. Anything from the Whispers are always considered timeless. This project is a unique, divine set of compositions that expands the career & the horizons of The Whispers. Although Gospel & not secular, they haven’t missed a beat…..or shall I say, ‘and the beat goes on’. And it went on alright with “Thankful.

Now, Go Get It.

Terrill Hanna
The Urban Music Scene

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