Ife’ | Crescendo

ife - crescendoIfe | Crescendo By George Strand

In listening to Ife’s new 5 Track EP called “Crescendo”, there was more to the music than what met the ear. Of course, the productions carried various streams of Neo-Soul compositions, with help from DJ Dodge. Some carried ‘on the waterfront’ – quiet stormin’ lyrics & grooves. However, her impressive VOICE sent a reminder of other R&B starlets that came to mind, whose vocals sounded quite the same in similarity. Not to underscore her absolute talent on the mic, but in comparison, this is what it drew…

I heard a taste of Angela Winbush… A sprinkle of Leela James…& A contrast of Syleena Johnson: The completion of Ife’. There’s more to my approach in comparing vocal lines here, but I must say: I like her voice. Influences do play a significant part & role too, as briefed from the bio of Ife.

Aim To Please Official Music Video – Ife from Max Cole on Vimeo.

“Aim To Please” was one of those slow ballads that entices a romantic thought for lovers & couples, where she speaks on behalf of the ladies taking control of their partners sensual thoughts. “Fly” is a wholesome, appreciation of love when found in the person she truly admires; “Love Is Where You Are” is another highly spirited, upbeat, hip swaying cut designed to promote love in an intimate & close relationship.

As “Say, Say, Say” flows the mid-groove belt & stays on the positive lyrical love format, the acoustic endearing “Mocha Mellow” showcases Ifes’ songwriting talent, as much as she had written on the majority of the tracks.

I have to say, I wished there were more songs available on this set of music. Thats’ what an EP can do to you. It can, on the upside, promote the new independent artist & test the market with what was already created. But if it is as good as “Crescendo” ended up becoming, then it’ll make you wait a while for the full album, all ’cause you want to hear some more good stuff from the successful ingredient.


And another thought: Its great to see continuous adult contemporary R&B/soul music being made, no matter how you call it. While other, talented Soul Sisters are getting themselves ready to launch something special for 2010, Ife’ made sure of it to become a member of that sorority right away.

Let’s look out for the album.

George Strand
The Urban Music Scene

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