Ronnie Laws | Voices In The Water

Ronnie Laws - Voices in the WaterRonnie Laws | Voices In The Water by Randy Mahon

On this fantastic Ronnie Laws CD “Voices In The Water”, in which the album’s title is inspired by the slave shipped journey of captured Africans brought to America over 400 years ago, is released independently through Century 22 Productions.  Though released in April of 2009, you’ll hear melodies that his fans all over the world have come to adore and appreciate. From the tribal rhythms of the opening track, “Shock To The Drum”, to the funked up blues closing number of “Hey You”, Ronnie takes you through a tour de force of his undeniable musical prowess. Production chores come courtesy of Ronnie, label President and fellow musician, trumpeter George Shaw, and session giant, keyboardist John Barnes.

Opening aforementioned track, “Shock To The Drum”, starts with African soundscape stylings supplemented by African field calls and Ronnie’s warm tenor sax. It’s light dance rhythm pattern, Ronnie’s improvised tenor sax lines, female background parts, and overall feel, sets this CD up lovely for one’s aural delight.

“Time Keeper”, a mellow mid tempo’d chilled out number features George Shaw and Ronnie playing their parts side by side throughout, with a muted trumpet solo bit performed by George Shaw. The main instrument, once again, is the smooth warm tone of Ronnie’s superfluous tenor sax performance.

“Step Right”, the first lead vocal performance on this disc from Ronnie is a fine example of how he’s STILL, not only a great saxophonist, but a brilliant singer in general in which he’s not often recognized as such. WAKE UP PEOPLE !! This track is an easy pace tempo’d, percussion ladened, flute accompanied song. With his ever present tenor sax, you have a “relaxing by the place fire place snuggled with your significant other ….. and two glasses of Merlot (My favorite)”, type of song.

“Brother John, Stanley And Eddie,” Ronnie pays homage to OUR dearly departed saxophone heroes, John Coltrane, Stanley Turrentine and Eddie Harris. (Please note : Ronnie recorded a CD dedicated to Eddie. Refer to 1996’s STELLAR Blue Note Recording, “Tribute To The Legendary Eddie Harris”) A very nice & relaxed aural experience, bass thumped, wah wah guitared, synthesizer soundscaped, improvised tenor sax track.

“Down And Up Again”
, Ronnie kicked up the pace groove wise and sonic wise (You’ll notice a slight increase in volume … and that’s cool ! .. Just prepare yourself for it before it plays) Ronnie,once again, is featured on soprano sax and vocals, supported by his longtime background vocalist Marlena Jeter, along with, I suspect, Bridgette Bryant, session vets Mortenette Jenkins and Joey Diggs, and legendary vocalist and onetime Motown Recording artist, Louis Price.The track itself is lively, party oriented and down right FONKAY! Bass guitar thumping and plucks, and rhythm guitar pickings, backs up a superior song.

Album title track, “Voices In The Water,” is very atmospheric in terms of it’s instrumentation. When I sayatmospheric, I’m referring to the light acoustic guitar playing, earthtonal soundscapes, the smooth, but not rushed bass guitar playing, andof course, Ronnie’s dynamically fueled soprano sax excursions. ……and how could I forget the percussion ?! DUH ! They’re ALL performed with sheer perfection ! There’s a great underlying melody if you listen closely. Basically tune is yet another “Get the fireplace going, turn off the cell, and snuggle up with your honey” type of song !

“Material Things,” is a Sly Stone “‘Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)” inspired funk trip ! Larry Graham-esqe bass licks, electric piano or fender rhodes fused, groovy rhythm guitar strumming, co-lead vocals from Ronnie and background singer I can’t properly identify because credits are not listed individually song wise. This track could certainly be a Smooth Jazz radio bound radio track if that format music directors were more open-minded. Regardless, it’s a track that’ll have “R&B Ol Skool” pundits clamoring for more. A nice human generated whistle adds a nice touch !

“Enter Forever,”….. Hey ! Contemporary Jazz at it’s finest ! Wonderful melody ! Feelgood vibe overall ! Slamming percussion ! Ronnie’s omnipresent soprano sax and vocal fills ! Funky bass, lightly played and FELT acoustic guitar playing, Earth, Wind & Fire like horns (Remember, Ronnie was once a member of that band) One of my personal favorite tracks off this album!!!

“Let’s Talk About It,” with it’s slight Rock ‘N Roll driven chords, Ronnie’s alto sax (I presume), an emotionally charged electric guitar solo, strong vocals performed by Ronnie and, I’m assuming Louis Price, add dimension and depth to this crowd pleaser ! For me personally, this is another Interstate 95 driving song !

Closing song, the other aforementioned, “Hey You”, is a the perfect departure to one of Ronnie’s most memorable projects.As I stated earlier, you’ll hear a Blues undertone via a Delta Mississippi steel guitar performance, funk slap bass licks and fretted runs, sexy and sensually performed female background vocal and VOCALS, and a KICKING drum executed performance ….. and last but not least, Ronnie’s flowing soprano sax blessings !!

If you’re a Ronnie Laws fan, then you’re going to dig this CD ! GUARANTEED !!!…… and if you’re not familiar with the man and his music, this CD is a great place to start. Of course you’ll have some catching up to do, but that’ll just make discovering his back catalog that much more fun !

PLEASE SUPPORT INDEPENDENT ARTISTS AND RETAILERS …..AND THIS CD ! They set the standard for which we enjoy music in the first place, that’s justmy personal opinion.

Happy Listening !

Randy Mahon
The Urban Music Scene

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