Jaheim | Another Round

On this 2nd Atlantic Records release, “Another Round”, 5th studio disc overall, New Brunswick, New Jersey’s own Jaheim Hoagland, simply known as “Jaheim”, is STILL laying down those silky and smooth Teddy Pendergrass (R.I.P.) vocal inspired sounds. Following 2007’s successful Gold certified,”The Makings Of A Man”, as the case of all his previous releases, i.e. 2006’s Gold certified “Ghetto Classics”, 2002’s Platinum certified “Still Ghetto”, and his 2001 Platinum certified debut, “Ghetto Love”, he came back with a VENGEANCE on this one ! He ventured into new musical territory on one song, sounds of the ’60’s ala Phil Spector. Let’s check out the GHETTO HIGHLIGHTS of this Platinum bound smash.

On the opening track, the first of 13, “Ain’t Leavin’ Without You”, a Fat Larry’s Band 1982 R&B classic, “Act Like You Know”, serves as the musical backdrop. It’s a re-performed track, NOT an actual sample, Thank You !.If you know the original Fat Larry version, then you know it’s a club anthemed hip mover, party jam. Jah spit lyrics of he notice’s a beautiful, well endowed lady unattended at the bar, and how he would love to refresh her drink …. and what he would like to do AFTER the downed beverage …… Once again people, you have to use your imaginations here …. Good choice for a first single.

“Finding My Way Back”, Jah took it Delphonics/Blue Magic styley, musically that is. 70’sguitarstrums, programmed drums that sounds very much like that of live drums,mellow electric bass lines, synthesizer strings, cymbal rides,along with Jah’s passionately vocal performance, you have a BONAFIDE Quiet Storm radio staple. Radio DJ’s & Programmers, LISTEN UP !

On “Whoa”, you know Jah had to lay the groove down for the streets ! Hip Hop drum beats, church hymn sounding piano chords, “in tuned” male background vocals, light synth strings and effects, with Jah’s strong lead vocal, it’ll take you back to the time when you use to hangout on your Nana’s porch in South Carolina.“Til’ It Happens To You” (look above), with it’s underlined scratchy record effect, lullaby like electric piano notes, a thumpy kick drum, finger snaps, church choir vocals, Jah too kit to “church” even more!It’s a simple, easy listening song in the beginning, but it’s Jah fiery vocals that drove this track towards the end. Great song !!

“Impossible”,he took it by way of Sam Cooke here, but sung & performed in the key of Jaheim. Play this song for your parents that normally wouldn’t listen to Jaheim, and I GUARANTEE YOU they’ll ask if they could borrow this CD ….. without ever returning it  … The track is very much that of a ’60’s era Phil Spector production, ala “The Ronettes”.Brushes, instead of sticks, used on the drums, live strings, organ,upright acoustic bass, lightly plucked guitar licks, it would have surely made Phil Spector proud.

On “Her”, think John Legend’s track “Green Light”.Though it’s along those lines melodically, it’s a Jaheim song that was tailor made just for him to sing. Lively hand claps, nice backgroundvocal accompaniment, early Motown sounding drums, light acoustic guitarstrums, it’s a tune that’ll sure to get that party in full gear. Jah’s vocals are as tight as ever, great performance !

“Otha Half”, is a mellow paced, hi hat & rim shot snare performed, lightly played piano chordal, subtle synthesizer lined track. Jah’s sings of his love for his, well, better half. Those background vocalists used on this song, and record for that matter, are BAD !! Those brothers could sing and Jah’s uses them quite well on this song.There’s a nice Stevie Wonder like harmonica solo thrown in here, though I’m sure it’s played on a synthesizer, …. but it worked.

“In My Hands” is a wonderful ballad ! PERIOD !Jah must have had the late great Luther Vandross (R.I.P.) in mind as he was laying down his lead vocal in the studio. Nice acoustic piano,smooth electric bass lines, cymbal rides, this one is certainly Quiet Storm radio bound. Positive lyrics of how a man appreciates and cherishes his lady. Kudos is an order to his producers on this brilliant album, and they are : Chuck Harmony, longtime cohort KayGee,Harold Lilly, the collective known as the “Mama’s Boys”, J.R. Rotem,and last, but certainly not least, Jaheim himself.

This CD is EXTREMELY & HIGHLY recommended ! 10 STARS !!

Happy Listening !

Randy Mahon
The Urban Music Scene

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