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February 2010, Page 2

Corinne Bailey Rae | The Sea

(We welcome newcomer to T.U.M.S. Mr. Aaron Johnson as a guest music contributor. Aaron’s relentless passion for the game of music as well as his penchant to write articles for a side hobby embraced the opportunity to open up our arms and allow Mr. Johnson to express himself to us and all. Welcome aboard! ~~ T & The Crew at T.U.M.S.)
Corinne Bailey Rae | The Sea
By Aaron Johnson

Four years after her debut self-titled album Corinne Bailey Rae has released her second body of work entitled “The Sea”.  For those of you expecting the light-hearted, soulful sing-a-longs from Mrs. Bailey Rae’s first collection,such as “Put Your Records On” or “Like A Star”, you may be in for an unexpected change in tempo, mood, and the overall feeling that you take from “The Sea”.

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