Alexander O’Neal | 5 Questions The New Journey

Alexander Oneal - 5 Questions The New JourneyAlexander O’Neal | 5 Questions The New Journey by Marv D

He’s back! Alexander O’Neal is back in a better way. His new project, “5 Questions The New Journey” is nothing short of all his others CD’s. Alex has been releasing music in Europe for the last few years to very good success, but still not in the U.S. like the good ole’ days.

My House – starts the cd off and if listen carefully Alex is keeping that signature Minneapolis sound and mixing it with a lite James Brown vocal style. The groove is strong and tight, and will, get you dancing quickly. This is the type of groove that you can’t dismiss cause it will have you hitting the repeat button.

I’m Back – The Minneapolis sound is more prominent on this song. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis was a influence on this song and it reminds me of ‘Criticize’, as such as the James Brown style vocal. And for those who can’t spell Alex, well he spells his name for you. But that’s ok – he spell’s it in a funky way.

Minnesota Shuffle – For all you steppers out there this is for you. It should also target the fans that like Mel Waiters and R. Kelly alike. It’s a nice mid-tempo groove.

I Found True Love, I Can’t Wait & First Time – are mid- tempo slow grooves, with Alex’s signature vocal style for that classic sound, like his other classic song “If You Were Here Tonight” and others slow songs.

You Make Me Smile – is a jazz flavored slow groove, more like a smokey jazz club type of vibe, with a serious horn section that makes this song really stand out.

Love Don’t Love Nobody – Well Alex is having one of his break-up arguments at the beginning of this song which is really a staple on some of the tracks. Same kind of intro, to get you ready for the song. This time he’s telling her that it’s not going to work. And he breaks it down, letting her know the what deal is.

It’s Your Night Tonight & 5 Questions – These are uptempo songs and the latter more on the rock and roll sides of things, but still dance-able.

Love Won’t Let Me Wait – A classic Major Harris slow jam to be re-christened by Alex in his own special way. Alex breaks it down and takes command of this song and doesn’t overdo the production.

Alex is back in a big way and this project will stand-up to his other albums, which is good because Alex took his time in the recording process, to deliver a quality product for his fans. They should not be disappointed. Alex’s voice sounds better now than ever before. He hasn’t lost any of the clarity that we have grown to love.

You can find this cd at

Marv D
The Urban Music Scene

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