Jump Start 2 | By Various Artists

Album Review: Jump Start 2
| Various ArtistsBy Peggy Oliver
only as a former mix and radio DJ, I have a small bit of envy for
Ginger Tony. And why do I even make mention of this matter? I continue
to this day being a huge fan of soulful, passionate dance music and
actually got to briefly live my dream guest hosting one mix show
installment many years ago from a non-commercial station in my Seattle,
WA. Ginger Tony AKA Tony Farmer not only grew up listening to his
favorite radio DJ’s, he practiced and refined his own skills by
taping mock radio broadcasts. His record collection ranged from Burt
Bacharach to Motown. But Ginger was especially enamored with hip-hop and
the samples drawn from this remarkable art form. To continue, please click “MORE”!
only as a former mix and radio DJ, I have a small bit of envy for
Ginger Tony. And why do I even make mention of this matter? I continue
to this day being a huge fan of soulful, passionate dance music and
actually got to briefly live my dream guest hosting one mix show
installment many years ago from a non-commercial station in my Seattle,
WA. Ginger Tony AKA Tony Farmer not only grew up listening to his
favorite radio DJ’s, he practiced and refined his own skills by
taping mock radio broadcasts. His record collection ranged from Burt
Bacharach to Motown. But Ginger was especially enamored with hip-hop and
the samples drawn from this remarkable art form. To continue, please click “MORE”!