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February 26, 2014

Sly5thAve | Sly5thAve Presents: Akuma

Sly5thAve - Akuma
Sly5thAve | Sly5thAve Presents: Akuma
Truth Revolution Records
by Brent Faulkner
Sly5thAve is no household name – yet that is. After listening to the jazz saxophonist’s debut album, Sly5thAve Presents: Akuma, Sly5thAve’s underrated status is on pace to change. An independent release courtesy of Truth Revolution Records, Sly5thAve recorded Akuma beginning in 2012, completing it in 2013. Not only did Sly5thAve (born Sylvester Uzoma Onyejiaka II) compose the 12 songs comprising Akuma, but he also funded the effort entirely – impressive.

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