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July 2, 2009

Calvin Richardson | Facts of Life: The Soul Of Bobby Womack

Calvin Richardson - Facts of Life The Soul of Bobby Womack
Calvin Richardson | Facts of Life: The Soul of Bobby Womack
by Terrill Hanna
There’s something unique that draws me to the voice of young Calvin Richardson. Could it be that one of his biggest strengths is his ability to ‘bring it’ vocally from the soul? Is it the choice that he made in striving to continue uplifting the spiritual aspect of Traditional R&B/Soul music for today’s listeners? Or is it how tasteful & polished some of his recent work has shined on us, how consistent he remains to be with it & a determination to keep it real by all those standards it requires?

Will Downing | Classique

Will Downing – Classique Sometimes a glass of sweet soul music from back in the day can still hit the spot even as many of today’s top-charting urban tracks are filled with high-tech, auto-tuned vocals and rap-saturated sexual innuendos.  There are also the soul troubadours like Will Downing, who is …

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