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June 28, 2011

Beyoncé | 4

Album Review: Beyoncé | 4
by Brent Faulkner

Beyoncé’s fourth studio LP 4 is certainly her most intriguing album.
The ‘intrigue’ is that the R&B/Pop chanteuse is truly ‘all over the
place’ stylistically on this album, which proves to be a mixed blessing.
While the ‘crossover’ tactics show Beyoncé’s sense of exploration and
evolution, some work more effectively than others. Beyoncé’s vocals
are always top notch, but the material is so ambitious or such a radical
departure at times that it comes off as off-putting or bewildering. To
Beyoncé’s credit, it is nice to hear the artist stretch herself and 4
does deliver some ‘knock-out punches.’ The biggest flaw, however maybe
merely the ordering of the track list on 4, which is a bit odd. To continue, please click “MORE”!

Patsy Moore | Expatriates

Patsy Moore
(Papa Chuy)

A Record Reflection by A. Scott Galloway

There is no harder working entity in the music business than a Black woman singer that doesn’t do R&B, sings softly, expresses her culture and education with exquisite class, and whose latest album just happened to turn out to be a concept album – an outstanding one at that. God bless Patsy Moore. To continue, please click “MORE”!

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